We nailed it and you can drive it home in your show! Why risk dropping a bottle on the floor when a hammer on the toe is so much funnier? Wonder Imagery has constructed a new kind of topsy turvy and now it’s hammer time. Choose a helper to hold a hammer and a plastic tube called the work zone. Show your hammer and work zone as you ask the helper to follow your directions. The hammers go inside the work zones so that both you and helper match. A few turns later and the helper’s hammer no longer matches. Following directions is important. Correct the helper’s hammer and start again. A few more turns and it happens again. Your new apprentice can’t seem to get a handle on it or maybe it’s YOU! No matter how much you try, the hammers never match. Maybe there’s a reason. Mark Twain said, "To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail." Your helper has a hammer. You lift your work zone and your hammer has been replaced with a NAIL! We told you we nailed it. The tubes are 10" tall. Comes with everything.
Explanation Video: